When Karana is first left alone on the island her moral is more or less identical to that of her people. As the story goes on, Karana develops her own moral code. The laws of Karana's tribe forbid women from making thier own weapons.Facts that Karana struggles constantly as she pits superstition against necessity. The first time she made weapons, she is very fearful,but not the second time.She is less fearful but still nervous. The third time, when she made the spear to catch the devilfish, she does so without any misgivings.After the incident with Captain Orlov, the people of Ghalas-at become the sworn enemies of the Aleuts.
Karana, however, gives Tutok a chance, even though she is an Aleut and potentially very dangerous. Eventually, Karana even learns to trust someone she had formerly considered an enemy. A final way in which Karana divulges from the ideology of her people is her decision not to kill any more animals. Hunting and killing animals was a necessary part of her tribe's economy, but Karana no longer wishes to kill animals as she sees them as very much like people. Karana admits that her friends and family would likely find her decision that animals are like people amusing, but she has come to it through her own experience sticks by it.
She knows that her tribesmen would consider her resolution ridiculous, but her animal friends are so important to her that she cannot bear to kill them. Karana also learns not to judge an individual by a tribe or a tribe by an individual. Her rejection of prejudice— based on her personal experiences, not on the lessons of her people—is the foundation for her developing love for all creatures, human and animal. Although her solitude ironically teaches her social sensitivity, it also emphasizes her need for human society.
Wednesday, July 4, 2007
Moral Development(Sharifah Radhiah)
Posted by
11:27 PM
Group 1
Mental Verbs
t is a verb that refers to mental states or activities, emotions, attitudes, desires, perceptions etc.
The following are some of the more commonly used mental verbs:
(1) know
(2) think
(3) suppose
(4) guess
(5) mean
(6) feel
(7) remember
(8) believe
(9) understand
(10) see
(11) find
(12) listen
(13) consider
(14) hear
(15) love
(16) expect
(17) want
(18) like
(19) need
(20) wonder
You are required to use the MENTAL verbs when doing task 2(resonding to group mates posts) today.
Posted by
Ms Dawn Chia
7:43 PM
- a man fights for his rights and when it is connected to the real world is like , when your friend tells everyone in your class that you have stole his handphone, thats when you fight for your rights as you did not stole it.
- a group of people where they carry weapons it means they are protecting themselves and when it is connected to the real world is like the protection for the president.
Posted by
5:52 PM
When Karana awaked the next morning, Ramo is gone. She realized that he must have gotten up early to go for the canoe, and goes to the beach to wait for him. On her way there, she hears the barking of dogs off in the distance. When Karana reaches the spot the noise is coming from, she finds Ramo dead, surrounded by the pack of dogs. She carries Ramo back to the village, and the dogs follow her all the way. She chased them away with a club and then she followed the wild dogs back their lair. At first Karana decided to lit up a fire and push it inside the cave but she did not did it because it has not enough brush. she brought her brother back to the village.Many days pass after Ramo is killed, and on one foggy morning Karana decides to leave the village forever. She burns the houses down one by one, and sets out to the place where she has decided to wait for the white men's ship, west of Coral Cove. Here there is a rock upon which Karana can sleep and store food without fear of the wild dogs. Still, the dogs come every night and sit underneath the rock.She began to learnt to adapt to the fact that she was all alone by herself in the island.
During the long days of summer, Karana sits on the cliff, scanning the horizon for ships. When the first storm of winter comes, she knows that no ship will come until spring. The dogs come the first night she sleeps there. She makes a fire to keep them back and kills three of them with her bow.
The story progresses.Karana has became friends with the leader of the wild dogs and an aluets girl.She was not lonely anymore.She now think that all the animals are her friends although they cannot talk in human languages.She did not killed them anymore.
Taken From:
Posted by
marliah rose dewi
5:51 PM
Group 1
Moral Development
When Karana is first left alone on the island, her moral ideology is more or less identical to that of her people. As the story progresses, however, Karana develops her own moral code.
The laws of Karana's tribe forbid women from making weapons, a fact that Karana struggles with constantly as she pits superstition against necessity.
The first time she makes weapons, she is very fearful; the second time she is less fearful but still nervous; the third time, when she makes the spear to catch the devilfish, she does so without any misgivings. Indeed, she makes that spear almost as a hobby, for catching devilfish is not a necessity.
Another way in which Karana departs from her tribe's rituals is through her friendship with Tutok. After the incident with Captain Orlov, the people of Ghalas-at become the sworn enemies of the Aleuts. Karana, however, gives Tutok a chance, even though she is an Aleut and potentially very dangerous.
A final way in which Karana divulges from the ideology of her people is her decision not to kill any more animals. Hunting and killing animals was a necessary part of her tribe's economy, but Karana no longer wishes to kill animals because she sees them as very much like people.
Karana forages on land and in the ocean, clothes herself (in a green-cormorant skirt and an otter cape on special occasions), and secures shelter. Perhaps even more startlingly, she finds strength and serenity living alone on the island.
Last time,She wanted to kill the dog because the dogs killed Ramo.But now,he does not kill the injured dog, who is the leader of the wild dogs as she felt pityful for Rontu,her new dog.Last time,she do not know how to do much work,but now Karana begins to take on the tasks originally .When she was first marooned, she used animals for food and tools and clothing. After many years alone on the island, Karana decides not to kill anymore. The animals have become her friends and her companions, and though she knows her people would think she is silly, she cannot bring herself to harm them for her benefit.
Not like lastime,she was hunting animals for foods,now she is not hunting animals for foods as animals were their friends.When Karana is first left alone on the island, her moral ideology is more or less identical to that of her people. As the story progresses, however, Karana develops her own moral code. As we all know if we are in a village and our friends or your loved onces live you and go to a another village,it will be very sad but most important,you must know how to do things like the simple things like protecting yourselves.It must be all in your fingertip.Like making a spear espacielly women cannot makes spear.She had to do this to protect herself..Actually this is a true story.If you are in a sitution like Karana,you even cannot imagine the life she have.She actually wanted to kill him espacially as he was the leader of the dogs that killed Karana's brother and for this reason,Karana is not a high tempered girl.From this story,We all can learn a lot of morals.She was brave,kind and some more and nowsdays,she is very independent. Anyway,I learnt a lot of moral from Island of the blue Dolphins.
Posted by
5:49 PM
Group 5
Survival ( Island Of The Blue Dolphin)
After Karana jumped the the ship, it was the start of testing her survial skills. During that period of time, Karana wasn't suppose to make weapons because of the tribe's law which says that women aren't allowed to make weapons. But because of her brother's death, she was fearful and was bent on getting revenge for Ramo. Leading to making her own weapons for protection and killing the wild dogs. She also hunt for her own food, and hides them in a safer place.
Posted by
Madeleine (:
5:43 PM
Sample - Theme (Moral Development)
In the early chapters of the book, Karana was deemed foolish by her father for her concern over the possibly extinction of the Otters if the hunting continues. Despite, her beliefs, she did not do anything to go against the ideology of her people.
Later in the story, she made a decision never to kill again - she chose not to harm another life as she now sees them as individuals, as her friends, whose lives are just as precious and important. She developed a fresh respect for life.
This is clearly not exhaustive, as it is only meant to be used as a guide. Those who are exploring this theme needs to find other development in the book that substantiate this theme.
Posted by
Ms Dawn Chia
5:35 PM
Additional resources
Moral Development - NOEL
Moral Development
In the starting of the book, ( In chapter 2 )Karana's concern for the otters is the first (1)glimmer of her connection with the animals of Ghalas-at, which will eventually bring her to (2)renounce killing animals for any reason. Karana herself, also owns a cape of otter pelts , as her tribe also kills otter. Karana's sympathy for the animals is brought out by the (3)excessive hunting the Aleuts are doing. Karna fears the extinction of the otters in general, a fact that indicates that she considers otters as a kind of animal to be friends, but does not care specifically for any individual otter. Later, when she makes several animal friends, this view changes.
Later in chapter 24, Karana demonstrates how a (4)code of conduct is important. Karana also decides not to kill another animal or bird. Karana also note that her people would find such a decision ridiculous, but she will make it nonetheless. Animals and birds are like peoples. Karana will treat them like people. Her conception of animals as people-like has been growing throughout the novel, and now she has brought it to a conclusion: animals are like people.
In the very last chapter, Karana had (1)expounded her (2)revolutionary opinion (at least for her tribe) that animals were like people, and that because they were she would not kill them. However, in chapter twenty-six, although she does not kill any animals, she does kidnap Rontu-Aru, something that is unacceptable treatment for a human and thus should be, by Karana's code, unacceptable treatment for an animal. Though Karana does not specifically state that she believes animals should be treated in the same way as humans, her language (3)implies this position.
Meanings :
(1) glimmer : a faint or unsteady light; gleam
(2) renounce : to give up or put aside voluntarily
(3) excessive : going beyond the usual, necessary, or proper limit or degree
(4) code of conduct : a set of conventional principles and expectations that are considered binding on any person who is a member of a particular group
(5) expounded :To give a detailed statement of or to explain the details.
(6) revoltionary : involving or causing great changes in ideas, methods
(7) implies : To involve by logical necessity
Taken from :
1) http://www.sparknotes.com/lit/dolphins/section13.rhtml
2) http://www.sparknotes.com/lit/dolpins/section2.rhtml
3) http://www.sparknotes.com/lit/dolphins/section14.rhtml
Posted by
5:35 PM
Group 4
Karana make weapon e.g. arrows,sword,spear,bows and etc.Karana also make huts/house to protect herself from wild dogs/wild animals.She also gather food and keep in a safe place so that she will not be hungry.Food that she gather is e.g.fish and etc.
She also make canoes to help her moving around the island.She also make hideout to hide herself when the aleuts come.She also keep a dog to protect her house.
Survival-based on the book...
It all started when the ship did not wait for Ramo... The adventure to prove Karana's survival...
When Ramo died because of the wild dogs, she knew that life ahead was not going to be so easy... She had to live on her own with loneliness and with no adults on the island, she had to protect herself from the wild dogs. She had to survive to avenge her brother's death but eventually, she kept the leader of the wild dogs as her pet. She was not scared that the dog would kill her or something because she understand the meaning of survival. She hunt on her own survival and for her dog, Rontu's life. With Rontu around, survival becomes more meaningful for her. After Rontu's death, her emotions once again was deeply hurt. Instead of giving up, she lived her life as normal and that shows survival. She slept in fear of wild dogs but did not care much and she survived. That is why she could be able to survive till the day the ship came back for her... All thanks to the importance of survival!
Posted by
5:30 PM
group 6
hhttp://www.curledupkids.com/isldolph.htm hhttp://dimdima.com/bookbuzz/show_books.asp?q_bid=80&q_title=Island%20of%20the%20Blue%20Dolphins
Posted by
5:25 PM
Group 3
Posted by
dayah adayy.
8:33 AM
Group 1
Describes the twelve year Karana’s courage and will to survive alone on her small island braving the fierce dogs and the wild weather. She lives out her solitary life on this island for many years hoping that a ship will eventually come and take her to where her family and village have moved.
Taken from :
She gathers food, builds shelter, and makes tools to survive. In order to take revenge against the wild dogs that killed her brother, Karana must make weapons, something that had been forbidden to the women of the tribe. After many moons and suns, she realizes that her people won't be coming back for her. As the years go by, Karana learns to respect all of the animals of the island, and eventually tames Rontu, the dog who had killed her brother.
Taken from :http://www.literatureplace.com/bookfolios/bookfolio.asp?BookfolioID=138
Things would have gone differently if only Karana's young brother, Ramo, had not forgotten his fishing spear and gone back to fetch it. The rest of the tribe, including Karana, board the ship in bad weather and rising seas. In an astonishing act of bravery, when Karana looks back to the cliff to see Ramo left behind, she jumps overboard and swims back to him.She plucked up her courage to swim back to him by not knowing that it may be dangerous for her. Thus, there are two left behind when the ship sails.They carried on their life .
Taken from:http://www.readingmatters.co.uk/book.php?id=61
Karana, an Indian girl, lives happily with her people on the Island of the Blue Dolphins. It is an island in the Pacific that gets its name from its beautiful shape — from above it looks like a dolphin lying on its side, "with its tail pointing toward sunrise," sunning itself in the sea. Around it blue dolphins swim, otters play, and sea elephants and sea birds thrive. Karana's people live in harmony among the other animals on and around the island as they have for generations. Her father is the chief of the village. And then one day a boat comes captained by a Russian man, who "looked at the little harbor as though it already belonged to him." The captain and his crew wish to hunt sea otter on their own terms. Their disregard for the ways of the Indians leads to bloody consequences, and Karana's family is destroyed, and eventually with the arrival of more white men, the entire community disappears from the island, save Karana.
For years she lives on the island alone, using the skills of her people to survive. For the first time, she modifies the skills only the men of her village had mastered. She makes a fence from the ribs of a whale. She builds a house. Eventually she becomes comfortable alone. She befriends one of the wild dogs, and the blue dolphins still give her strength. But she will not be alone for much longer.
Author O'Dell has based Karana's spare, poetic narrative on the events that took place on a real island off the coast of California first settled by Indians in about 2000 B.C. And there actually was a Karana, an Indian girl who lived Robinson Crusoe style on the island for 18 years. Winner of a Newbery Medal, O'Dell's novel can be used not only to augment a unit on Native American history, but to compel even the most reluctant reader.
Other website about Island of the blue dolphin : http://www.sparknotes.com/lit/dolphins/themes.html
Posted by
8:26 AM
Group 1
Moral Developement-weishan
"the two fighters paused, getting ready for a new attack. it was a good chance to send an arrow into the young bull, who lay his back with his teeth still grasping the other's neck. But I hoped that he would win the battle, and i stood there did not move."shows that Karana hesitate to kill the bull but eventually, She chose not to kill it.
Posted by
6:42 AM
group 6
When a tribe of islanders leaves their home in search of a safer place to live, they accidentally leave behind a twelve-year old girl and her young brother. The boy is soon killed by wild dogs, and Karana swears to devote the rest of her life to destroying the wild dogs who killed her little brother. After a failed attempt to leave the island in a leaky canoe, Karana decides to build a house and learn to hunt while waiting to be rescued. Her isolation from humans teaches her how to co-exist peacefully with the local wildlife, even the wild dog she considers her worst enemy. After many years, missionaries come to the island. She is not lonely; eventually she befriends and tames various wild animals, including the leader of the wild dogs. After years of hating the dogs, she slowly comes to realize that it is easier to live in peace than to be constantly at war.
She has to go through the stages of learning to do everything for herself with no one to protect her. In learning to provide herself with everything she needs, she not only overcomes her fears, she finds she is quite capable of performing every necessary task and more. She learns who her enemies are and when to trust them, how much food and water to store and how to protect it and numerous other tasks that in her past were always performed by the men. The environment surrounding her tests her courage and yet also allows her to find inspiration to keep going from one day to the next. She never loses hope, but she does eventually let go of the need for a provider. This gritty story was ahead of its time in its depiction of a strong, self-sufficient heroine.
taken from:
http://www.classzone.com/novelguides/litcons/dolphins/guide.cfm http://www.commonsensemedia.org/book-reviews/Island-Blue-Dolphins.html http://www.bookrags.com/studyguide-island-of-the-blue-dolphins/themes.html
In chapter seven, Karana demonstrates her empathy for others as she dives into the ocean to go after her brother. This is a pivotal moment in the text that reveals Karana as a uniquely caring and empathetic individual. She has been responsible for Ramo for most of the story thus far, and takes a motherly attitude toward him. Jumping into the sea, however, seems above and beyond the call of duty—Ulape, who is just as much a sister to Ramo as Karana, does nothing.She forgive her sister for not jumping down with her to save their brother's life. Karana also was raging with anger as she swam towards her brother. But as soon as she reaches the shore, she hug him instead of doing the things she planned while she was swimming.
Taken from: http://www.sparknotes.com/lit/dolphins/section4.rhtml
When one day, she waited for the dogs to come out of their cave. She was a smart girl so, she gathered as many brush and lit them. Then, she threw them in the cave. Dogs began to come out. She shot two of them. Leaving with three arrows, she wanted to save it for the leader. The leader came out, but it did not run away as the others. Instead, it stand there starring at Karana. Karana did not waste time and shot an arrow. The arrow hit it's chest. It began to run. She shot another arrow but she misses. The remaining arrow she use it to kill another two dogs. She searched for the wounded dog. She found it. She wanted to kill it but on second thought, she cleaned its wound and keep it. She knows that it is still alive. She have the heart to keep it although it killed her brother. They became good friends. She decided to call it Rontu. Karana has many enemies and no friends. She lives with the vague fear in the back of her mind that one day the Aleuts that killed her people will return to the island. Eventually, Karana is forced into confrontation with the Aleuts. In each case she has the opportunity to take her revenge, but doesn't. The case of Tutok is the most important of these because it shows the development of Karana's trust in more detail and to a deeper extent (in the case of Rontu, the only thing Karana and Rontu to show trust was refrain from killing each other).
Taken from:http://www.sparknotes.com/lit/dolphins/themes.html
In this section, Karana finds herself truly alone for the first time. Karana and Ramo enjoyed each other's company, and Ramo even said that he preferred to be on the island of the blue dolphins with his sister when there are no other people around. Karana starts to feel the pangs of loneliness when she is on the shore waiting for Ramo. She begins to wonder whether the white men's ship will ever come and begins to experience fear for the first time since she was left on the island with Ramo. Her fear becomes panic when Ramo does not return, and to anger when she finds him dead. She forgive her tribe for not trying to stop the ship and wait for Karana and Ramo. They just wanted to turn over a new leaf at the other island that they were going.
Taken from:http://www.sparknotes.com/lit/dolphins/section5.rhtml
Posted by
1:35 AM
Group 3