A Survey on Media Access and Usage Part 1
Answer the following questions on foolscap paper:
Name: _______________ ( ) Class: _______________
Sex: F/M
Email Address: _______________ ( the one you USE most OFTEN)
MSN Messenger: _____________
Do you own a personal computer? (YES/NO)
How many computers are there in your home?_______________
Do you have internet connection at home? (YES/NO) Skip to question 5 if you have answered NO.
Which of the following type of internet access do you have? (a) Broadband (b) Cable (c) Dial-Up
Where do you go online MOST often? (a) at home (b) in school (c) Others: __________
How long do you usually spend online daily? (a) 1-2 hrs (b) 3-4 hrs (c) more than 5 hours (d) Less than an hour
Overall, how often do you go online?
several times a day,
about once a day,
3-5 days a week,
1-2 days a week,
every few weeks, or
less often
never go online
Which of the following activities do you usually do online? Rank 1-6 (1= MOST FREQUENTLY 6= LEAST FREQUENTLY)
Doing Homework/Research
MSN Messenger
Send/Check Emails
Watch Videos on YouTube
Upload videos to video sharing sites like YouTube
Surf websites on topics you are interested in like movies, music, pop/movie stars. TV shows or sports
Update your personal blog
Buy things online or sell things online at Ebay or Yahoo Auctions
Upload Photos or share photos
Create slideshows or movies online
Read other people’s blog
Video Conferencing or use Skype to make calls
Online gaming
Search the web for information
Have you ever heard of or used these websites? Tick the column.
Never heard of it
Heard of it
Seen it
Used it
Google Search
Live Journal
Bubble Share
Google Video
Yahoo Video
MMPORG sites like World of Warcraft ( Please write down the
gaming sites you visit often)