Tuesday, December 25, 2007

4) Think back to a time over the past semester when you faced a challenging or a big mistake. (a bad grade on something, letting your benchmarks pile up until the last minute, etc.) What sorts of lesson did you learn about yourself from that challenge and/or mistake? How did this influence the way you did things after that moment? In what ways does this experience help you to plan for next semester?

The biggest mistake I faced is dropping my grade in one of my subject, Mother Tongue. It was a very shocking experience because I am used to getting A’s for that subject. Instead, I got C. Even though I pass, I was upset because that was the first time I dropped my grade in my Mother Tongue.

The only reason I thought was that I was over confidents about myself. My Mother Tongue teacher told me that it was my Paper 2 that dropped my grade. He also told me I only did well for my Paper 1, that is composition. Another thing that bothers me is that I have no guts to go to my Mother Tongue class as I was scared that they already know my result. Actually, I was only embarrassed to go to a combine class but confident when there is no combine class.

There are two lessons I have learned in this mistake. One, never be over confident about yourself. And two, even if the subject is common sense, like you use it everyday even at home, you still have to make sure you get the language right. I will try to speak proper malay to my friends and family for the next semester.

-209 words (excluding topic)-